Podcast – episodul 11


Team Coaching benefits and impact in organizations, with Kirsten Dierolf


Kirsten Dierolf, M.A., MSFP, MCC, EMCC MP, ITCA MP, ESIA

Kirsten has been coaching executives, middle managers and teams for global corporations since 1996. She also designed and delivered large leadership development programs all over the globe. In 2016 she was certified as Master Certified Coach.

She has coached over 3000 hours as a professional coach and passed the thorough exams of the International Coach Federation. Kirsten is member of the assessor team for the ICF for MCC and PCC certifications. She has been accredited as EMCC Master Practitioner, Master Practitioner Team Coaching and Accredited Supervisor.

Her Solution Focused expertise comes from training directly with the founders of the approach, Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer. She was president of SFCT, the association for the quality development of solution focused consulting and training and founder and member of the editorial team for “InterAction — the journal of solution focus in organisations.”

She is a prolific writer with over 50 articles and two books: “The solution tango” with Louis Cauffman and “Solution Focused Team Coaching“. Kirsten has been running programs to develop professional Solution Focused Coaches since 2008. Her first Accredited Program ran in 2015.


Madi Rădulescu, MCC

Madi Rădulescu a intrat în domeniul dezvoltării manageriale și de leadership în 1993. Practic, a trecut prin toate etapele de dezvoltare a profesiei manageriale și a formării liderilor în România postrevoluționară. Inițial s-a format pentru a deveni inginer și apoi a trecut printr-o transformare profesională parcurgând un program de MBA la Warwick University în Marea Britanie. Are o foarte mare varietate de proiecte de educație managerială, training și facilitare și, în final, a descoperit coachingul, în 2010, iar de atunci este nu numai o pasiune și a devenit principala sa activitate profesională. În 2021 a obținut acreditarea Master Certified Coach, de la ICF și de peste un an este voluntar activ ICF România și Vicepreședinte al acesteia.