Așa cum mulți dintre voi știți deja, la început de Octombrie am finalizat cele 6 luni ale proiectului IGNITE, ‘Construim Leadershipul Tinerilor Excepționali, prin Coaching’, organizat sub egida Fundației Federației Internaționale de Coaching, desfășurat între Capitolul din Romania al ICF și una dintre cele mai mari Organizații Studențești din Romania: Voluntari pentru Idei și Proiecte (VIP).
În cadrul acestei inițiative, coach-ii certificați și membri ai Federației Internaționale de Coaching din Romania au oferit pâna la 10 ore pro-bono studenților, membri ai echipei de conducere a VIP.
Suntem foarte mândri să împartășim cu voi faptul că acest proiect a adus atât beneficii profesionale și personale la nivelul individual al fiecarui student participant – prin șlefuirea și creșterea abilitaților de leadership – cât și un important beneficiu la nivelul organizației VIP, reprezentând un important punct de pornire pentru redefinirea de către echipa de conducere VIP a culturii organizaționale în jurul abordării de coaching.
Impactul semnificativ și sustenabil pe care coaching-ul l-a avut asupra performanței tinerilor participanți, precum și asupra succesului din anul 2022 al VIP, a condus la decizia noii echipe de leadership a organizației de a extinde colaborarea cu ICF Romania și în anul universitar 2022-2023, în cadrul unui nou proiect IGNITE.
Astfel, în perioada următoare vă vom ține la curent cu informații referitoare la noul proiect IGNITE, desfașurat intre ICF Ro si VIP, în care alți aproximativ 30 de studenți, membri ai echipei de conducere VIP din noul an, vor beneficia de o creștere accelerată a abilitaților de leadership la nivel profesional, personal și organizațional.
Și, pentru că cea mai importantă voce, ce se dorește a fi auzită acum, la final de proiect, este cea a studenților, includem, în cele ce urmează, câteva testimoniale ale acestora. (Sper că este ok pentru voi că vocea studenților este exprimată în limba engleză – așa încât să putem trimite aceste feedback-uri și către ICF Foundation.)
Să ne revedem cu bine în noul proiect IGNITE 2023! ????
“Definitely, coaching helped me to know myself much better, in a variety of experiences that I had during the program. I have created many techniques through which I am now able to see things in a positive way, to be more efficient when I am working, to learn how to reduce procrastinating and save time to finish things I have started, and also how to communicate my feelings in order to create healthy relationships with people around me.”
“Coaching helped me realize that I cannot ‘pour from an empty cup’ and I need to take better care of my needs in order to achieve great results as a president. My experience was challenging and my emotions took off sometimes, but I had these safe coaching sessions that made me open up and talk about my constant burnout and my bad time management. Once we defined the problems, I started working with them and things changed in a good direction for myself and for the organization.”
“Coaching helped a lot in developing our culture. Before coaching we were all interested in personal development, and we all knew that, in order for us to grow other people, we must grow ourselves first. The thing is, I noticed that because of coaching and other similar activities, we became more focused on the same goal as an organization.”
“Coaching truly changed my perspective & trajectory of life, personal & professional one, being able to gain more confidence about everything around me.”
“When we talk about operational efficiency, coaching helped me to better prioritize my tasks and, in this way, I also helped my team to increase its productivity. In addition, because I started to be more efficient in my daily tasks, I saved a lot of time, which I spent to focus on myself. I can say that my engagement for the place I worked increased, too. Also, I feel that we, as an organization, made a big progress in the way to achieve our goals.”
“Coaching helped me to organize myself better, so that I could further organize better my team. Also, my new organizing skills helped me efficiently arrange meetings and team activities so that time spend on them would be the most productive. Changes that occurred in myself helped me to shape better qualities in organizing my team, which positively influenced their productivity.”
“Coaching meetings helped me to better organize my goals, thus I was more efficient in doing my tasks, after having a broad insight in my wants and needs. In the same time, I gained more confidence in my abilities and I came with more initiatives in my organization, including initiating a new project.
Coaching came in a period when both my personal and professional life were in chaos and I benefited from a new perspective on my own life, after expressing myself in front of a person with experience.
My self-control and the engagement regarding my goals also increased.”