The Art of Impactful Coaching: The Power of Asking One Question

In the realm of coaching, less is often more. The art of coaching lies in the ability to listen actively and ask powerful questions that unlock a client’s potential. The more a coach talks, the less they discover about the client’s thought processes and the challenges they face. Likewise, the more a coach intervenes to solve a client’s problems, the less room there is for the client’s development.

Coaching, fundamentally, is about building capacity and fostering personal growth rather than showcasing the coach’s knowledge. Imagine the impact of finding just one question during a coaching session that has the potential to change everything for the client.

Perhaps you’ve experienced the transformative power of such a question in a meeting with a coach or leader. A skilled coach patiently absorbs various perspectives and then poses a simple question that shifts the entire paradigm of the issue at hand.

As a coach, you don’t need to come up with groundbreaking questions every session. While the ideal is to pose one question that changes everything, it’s not a requirement for every coaching interaction. Not every session yields major breakthroughs, but the concept of „one-question coaching” serves as a guiding principle. This approach ensures a focus on active listening and asking questions that bring high impact and value to the individual being coached.

The best coaching questions are often simple, such as „What else?” or „What would you like to explore from here?” Even encouraging clients to share their ideas for problem-solving can open up new possibilities. Before posing a question, consider its potential benefits for the client. Does it carry a spark that ignites the client’s thinking? Does it invite the client to see new possibilities and gain insights that lead to action?

In your coaching practice, embrace the power of thoughtful questioning. By doing so, you embark on a journey towards the idea of asking that one question capable of changing everything for your clients.

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is an executive coach for leaders, with a Master Certified Coach (MCC) Credential by the International Coach Federation (ICF), a Master Certified Coach Trainer (MCCT), Coach Supervisor and a Registered ICF Mentor Coach. She was also the President of the ICF Romania Chapter until 2019.

As a Master Certified Coach (MCC), she works with leaders-from startup entrepreneurs to C-level executives- who have bold visions and who play for high stakes.

As a Master Certified Coach Trainer (MCCT) with the Center for Executive Coaching (CEC) she is Certified to train other executives and managers to become Certified Executive Coaches. She does this through one-on-one or group coaching and under the review and standards of the Center for Executive Coaching.

As a Certified Mentor Coach by ICF, she is certified to offer mentor coaching programs for coaches interested in applying or renewing their ACC (Associate Certified Coach), PCC (Professional Certified Coach), or MCC (Master Certified Coach) Credential and need the required 10 hours of mentoring.

As a Coach Supervisor she works with leaders and entrepreneurs that take their work seriously enough to set up a reflective space where they can review that work, learn from it and apply that learning when they return to it. She also works with coaches who bring their work to another individual/or group in order to learn how to do that work better. One way of describing what coaching supervision does is to think of it as a process of Reflection, Insight and Support.

As a Systemic Team Coach she enables teams to identify and resolve their challenges over a programme lasting seven to nine months – resulting in deeper learning and more sustainable change. It usually involves coaching the team together as well as one-to-one coaching for individuals.

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