ICF Romania welcomes the second quarter new members!


ICF Romania welcomes the second quarter new members!

We welcome our new members in ICF professional coaching community. We are excited to have you as part of our membership. Membership is a lifelong journey and we look forward to helping you start yours. We believe that your abilities will help ICF Romania to grow more and become bigger.

As a member of ICF, you will enjoy many unique benefits. Please attend our upcoming events so we can explain these benefits and how you can get involved.

We look forward to seeing you there and at many developing community events in the future!


Congratulations to our members for the fantastic recent results!

A team success mainly depends on the perseverance of each members. Congratulations to our members for raising the level of professionalism in our industry! We are so proud of all of you! Congratulations on your success! We highly value your contribution to our community and we are looking forward to enhance our collaboration for raising the coaching standards in Romania.

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