Surfing the challenges of life with our clients
Life is one thing (change) after another – in a complex world life can be very challenging and overwhelming. When we feel overwhelmed it becomes difficult for us to focus, fear kicks in and we get easily blocked. So how can we keep on going and ‘surf the challenges of life’?
In this workshop we will experience and learn
- How we can look at challenges from different perspectives
- Connect with our inner source of wisdom to deal with uncertainty
- Learn how we can support our clients to surf their own challenges and to connect with their resources.
The ICF core competencies
- Evoking awareness
- Facilitating client’s growth
- Active listening
- Cultivating trust and Safety
will be addressed.
Eveniment exclusiv pentru membrii ICF România.
Dr. Petra M. Demary, PCC
I am a magician! And so are you! Together we can change the world. Of course, I know that I cannot change the entire world, but we can influence how we perceive the world within and around us. It depends very much on ourselves, on our focus on attention. How we give meaning to what we experience. I am fascinated how we construct reality and how this influences how we act and interact with others. It is an ongoing field of my personal learning. When I came across coaching and the solution focused approach 25 years ago, it changed my world. Since them I am working as executive coach and consultant, supporting my clients to achieve their desired future with more lightness and joy. 10 years ago, I founded Solutionsurfers Romania, an international recognized coaching school. I am working with clients all over Europe and with different industries.
Lia Bălan, PCC
Leadership & Team Coach, cu o voință puternică de a crea spații pentru creștere și schimbare sustenabilă.
Cu o experiență vastă de lucru în domeniul IT și al Leadership-ului practicat în diverse arii, aduc tehnicile de coaching în fiecare conversație, training sau workshop.
Cred cu tărie în puterea grupurilor și că atunci când un grup sau o echipă este în coeziune cu viziune, împreună pot muta munții.
Îmi doresc să continui să contribui la creșterea celor din jur, prin generarea clarității și focus pe ceea ce putem face pornind de la aici și acum.
Înregistrarea la acest eveniment se supune termenilor și condițiilor ICF România