After two years the Erasmus-funded Coach-IT project to improve the digital skills of coaches will come to an end. In this project ICF Romania, ICF Germany, ICF Ireland, ICF France and EOLAS developed the methodology of the project, to delve into what is already available out there in terms of guidance on digital competencies and digital behaviors.
Prior to the pandemic the market was mostly tilted towards offering services in an offline format, with clients meeting their coach in their practice or by going for a walk together. Once the current macro-situation changed, coaches were faced with the decision of adapting fast or recognizing that they will lose their income.
COACH-IT develops a user-driven, evidence-based, and recognized training program, that provides those that are active as coaches, with the knowledge, skills and competencies to develop their online coaching services, while at the same time ensuring (or increasing) the quality of the intervention and taking into account the needs of their clients.
Reflecting upon the sessions on coaching and technology at the NYU Coaching and Technology Summit, the blend between technology and a “human coach” will evolve and be a standard part of the process. That will be present for coaching and for supervision, as there are already several chatbots available for supervision of coaches.
This enhances the urgency of enhancing a high level of digital skills and proficiency in bringing tools in both the coaching and the supervision process. COACH-IT was designed and developed with the future in mind, and it includes relevant information around individual, group and team coaching.
The main target groups are the prospective coaches and already active coaches, who will benefit from the courses developed under the project as their skills and competencies around online coaching, and the provision of online coaching services will be enhanced. The program addresses what skills are needed for online coaching, how to define your coaching presence and particularly, how to coach online in a meaningful way for the clients. This will have a strong impact on the competitiveness of coaches and their professional development. At the same time, it will allow them to be better prepared to address a broader market and increase their marketability., as they will be better adapted to the emerging trends and demands from a digitalized (post-pandemic) society.
COACH-IT platform is free and open to any coach. Simply register and access the materials at your own pace –
You can access the Coach-IT Learning platform in five different languages (English, Romanian, German, French, and Spanish):
Once you have confirmed your registration via email, you will have access to the full Coach-IT program in your chosen language. There are nine content modules with videos, case studies, reflective bots and much more for you to work through at your own pace.
You can also pick and chose only those modules you are most interested in. The best: If you complete the reflective bot at the end of each learning module, you can collect up to 40 CCEUs for your recertification.
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