The largest Coaching and Leadership Conference in Southeast Europe will be held in Bucharest from March 5th to 6th, 2025.

Keynote Speaker, Day 1 - March 5th

Magdalena Mook


Keynote Speaker, Day 1 - March 5th

Cornel Amariei

CEO & Founder of .lumen

Keynote Speaker, Day 2 - March 6th

Robert Garcia

Vice President & Chief Staff Officer, ICF Global Coaching in Organizations

Keynote Speaker, Day 2 - March 6th

Marshall Goldsmith

Keynote Speaker, Day 2 - March 6th

Keynote Speaker, Day 2 - March 6th

Marshall Goldsmith

They are the speakers you will meet on March 5th

Linn Friedrichs

Prof. Dragos Cirneci

Rodica Obancea

Cristina Mühl

They are the speakers you will meet on March 6th

Did you know?

a quarter of the Romanian organizations use coaching to develop leadership skills, communication skills, increasing productivity, increasing individual performance as well as team performance?


Lead with innovation: Discover fresh strategies to drive inclusive leadership and inspire meaningful change in your teams.

Build a diverse future: Equip yourself with tools to create a workplace where diversity thrives and everyone belongs.

Connect with trailblazers: Network with top leaders, HR pros, and coaches, exchanging insights that spark new opportunities.

Ignite your creativity: Get inspired by innovative ideas that will transform how you lead, coach, and manage.

Drive real impact: Walk away with actionable insights and ready-to-use strategies that create immediate, measurable results.

The event's agenda

8:00 – 9:00 AM

Check in and registration, networking

9:00 - 9:15 AM

Welcome from the President of ICF Romania, Rudolf Nyari,PCC,ACTC

9:15 - 10:15 AM

Magdalena Mook - Keynote speaker
CEO of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) brings a wealth of experience in consulting, coaching, association management, and fundraising. Through her leadership, the organization has become the leading voice for the global coaching community with more than 60,000 members and 52,000 ICF-credential holders worldwide. Ms. Mook received her M.S. in Economics and International Trade from the Warsaw School of Economics, Poland. In 2019, Magda was recognized as #1 Coach: Global Influence and a finalist in the Thinkers50 Distinguished Award in Coaching and Mentoring. In 2023 and in 2024 she was recognized as #10 of Top30 Global Gurus in Organizational Culture. Thinkers50 also recognized Magda in 2024 as one of Coaches50 Top Coach in the world. She is a trained profes-sional coach and systems facilitator. Magda is a frequent keynote speaker, a contributor to Forbes Magazine, Harvard Business Review, and other ma-jor publications. She is a host of a monthly LinkedIn Live, where she speaks to organizational leaders and major influ-encers.
Bridging the Generational Gap: Effective Coaching Strategies in the Age of AI
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, coaching professionals face the unique challenge of guiding multiple generations in the workplace. This presentation delves into the strategies for effectively coaching Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z in the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration. Join us to gain insights and practical techniques for coaching a multigenerational workforce, ensuring that all individuals thrive in the age of AI.

10:15 - 11:00 AM

Cornel Amariei - Keynote speaker
Romanian Inventor, Speaker and Entrepreneur, known for founding .lumen, the startup that creates glasses for the blind. Born into a family of people with disabilities, Cornel realized how much technology can help and how little technology exists for people with disabilities. In the past, he held the position of Head of Innovation in one of the largest automotive companies in the world. For his work, he was chosen by Forbes USA in the first 30 Under 30 Europe. He is the first Romanian to win the prestigious Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World award, offered by JCI, and is a laureate of the Global Business Hall of Fame, awards that in the past were won by personalities such as John F. Kennedy or Elvis Presley.
Make Meaning, Not Money
Discover how to cultivate a culture that drives meaning-ful innovation. This session explores the inspiration, framework, and learned lessons to prioritize purpose, fostering creativity and impact within organizations.

11:00 - 11:30 AM

Coffee break, exhibition area, networking

Day 1, 5th March, Crown Hotel, Crown Ballroom, Bucharest

Room 1: Crown Ballroom

11:30 – 12:15

Rodica Obancea
Rodica has developed a coaching practice in the last 17 years, accompanying leaders and teams in Romania and abroad, to achieve the results they really wanted. Continuous development as a coach inspired her to create impact in organizational filed and also in social environment.
Coaching for the whole system

Coaching aims to maximize clients’ potential, but what is possible when the coach serves the whole system’s potential? As a coach, how can we have an extended vision and see our interconnectedness with the whole system while doing coaching with an individual or collective client? How can we activate our sensibility with regard to what the whole system needs?

In my perspective, professional coaches have the responsibility to model inclusive leadership by nurturing sensibility to the needs of others, themselves, and the whole system at the same time. On the one hand, I see the competency of being pragmatic, present in the reality of the client, as useful; on the other hand, I see the competency of being sensitive to interconnectedness and the needs of the system that the client is part of.

I invite coaches and leaders to consider nurturing their sensitivity when acting as a coach or as a leader. The objective of this invitation is to increase the awareness of professional coaches and leaders towards inclusive leadership and to consider system thinking as part of their services.

By the end of the presentation, the participants will connect with the following results:

  • Options to consider the interconnectedness with the whole system while doing coaching and leadership
  • Options to consider the impact of coaching outside the comfort zone
  • Options to acknowledge and nurture sensitivity
  • Simple ways to develop core competency number 2 – embodies a coaching mindset
  • Simple ways to develop core competency number 5 – maintains presence

12:15 – 13:00

Prof. Dragos Cirneci
Prof. Dragos Cirneci has a PhD in psychology and is a specialist in neurosci-ence. He is an associate professor, scientific researcher, consultant and trainer, with 26 years of professional ex-perience. He began his career investigating how atten-tion works in anxious people, continued it by developing tools for assessing emotional reactions and self-regulation, then entered the field of psycho-neuro-immunology (an interdisciplinary field that studies how well-being and stress impact immunity) and developed techniques for reducing stress, inducing well-being and decreasing inflammation using memories. He has writ-ten 4 books, contributed to 5 other collective volumes, 5 university course materials and over 70 articles. He de-veloped the first “brainfitness exercises” in Romania for practicing attention, working memory and decision-making, initially available on a CD sold in libraries and then on an online platform. He has a European certifica-tion in personality testing and in organizing assessment and development centers.
How personality changes through learning and decision-making
Although we traditionally think of the brain as a collection of mental faculties, including personality, organized in well-defined nervous centers, this idea has nothing to do with reality. According to the data gathered by science in the last decades, the brain seems to be a biological machine focused on simulating variants of the world and our actions in rela-tion to it. Both with regard to the past and the future. And these simulations have the role of optimizing the way we make decisions and solve problems. The brain uses what already knows to “decide” what it perceives and what it will do, and these processes take place in the same networks through which it learns. As a consequence of these discoveries, we can conclude that the way we behave in the eyes of others – or what we traditionally call “personality” – is maintained or changed depending on the way these brain’s mecha-nisms adapt us to the surrounding world and its changes. And the way we explore novelty, make decisions, and opti-mize our performance dictates who we are and how we are viewed. Together we will see how we can put these discov-eries into practice.

13:00 - 14:30

Lunch break

14:30 - 15:15

Workshop - To be announced

15:15 - 16:00

Dragos Buzzi
Experience Designer, Facilitator & Coach, Content Creator
You probably know Dragoș from his online activity where he has been present in recent years sharing life lessons and adventures from his life as a parent and husband. What you may not know about him is that he is an ASE graduate, has a Train of Trainers school and another Coaching school behind him that completes his professional path through 3 multina-tionals and another 8 years in education, 5 of which were Team Coach at The Entrepreneurship Academy.

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee break

Room 2: Primavera

11:30 – 12:15

Linn Friedrichs
Linn Friedrichs works at the intersections of consulting, facilitation, and teaching. She has over a decade of experience in driving successful global education programs, holding senior leadership and teaching roles at New York University (NYU) in Berlin and Mahindra United World College (UWC) in India. Linn has worked with the future workforce of 15– 23 year olds from 80+ countries, supported international university faculty in innovating their teaching methods, and guided civil society and corporate clients in addressing challenges related to diversity and inclusion, leadership, strategy, and learning initiatives. Grounded in her PhD research on global curriculum development, Linn’s current projects connect AI literacy, the future of work and education, Gen Z in the workplace, and end-of-life literacy and care.
The Meme Team at Work - Cultivating Generational Fluency for Future-Ready Organization
Gen Z challenges the multigenerational workplace as we know it. Headlines spotlight rising intergenerational tensions, with costly impacts on culture and retention. Meanwhile, talent shortages force organizations to double down on attracting—and keeping—diverse age groups who can collaborate and innovate together. That’s why generational literacy is emerging as a strategic priority.

In this session, we’ll look at:

  • The most pressing cross-generational challenges facing teams today.
  • Approaches that bring everyone to the table (and keep them there).
  • The role coaches can play in cultivating generational fluency.

12:15 – 13:00

Janet Wilson
Janet is driven to support people as they make choices around their lives, work, and contribution to the world. Her interest in ethics has resulted in her developing and delivering talks and workshops at conferences and webinars across the EMEA region since 2014.

Janet has been a coach and member of the ICF since 2003. She served as President of the UK ICF Chapter (2016 and 2017) where she contributed to the development of the chapter in the UK and collaborated with professional coaches across the globe to support the growth of the coaching profession. She continues to volunteer as a member of the ICF Ethics Advisory Team, a group that serves as an Ethics ally across the ICF system.

She has personal experience of executive level leadership which serves her well as an executive coach with C-suite executives, Boards and Senior leaders.

Ethics Considerations in Contracting Coaching

Leadership is about making good decisions, doing the right thing and taking people with you. Not an easy task and that is why more and more leaders are turning to coaching to support their thinking.

In this interactive session we will revisit the ICF Code of Ethics and consider how they support us as Leadership Coaches. We will consider the ethics and challenges of leadership and how these are expressed in our leadership coaching conversations.

We will seek to consider building blocks that set up the environment to support transformational dialogue and result in purpose-driven decisions and bold actions?

13:00 - 14:30

Lunch break

14:30 - 15:15

Olga Melihov
Is an experienced manager. She is a graduate of the Bu-charest University, the EMBA program at Tiffin Univer-sity (USA), currently student at Psychology Faculty. As ICF Certified Coach (ACC), she works with people in-terested to see progress in their lives. She speaks native Romanian, fluent English, Russian and French
Empower Young Professionals, the Leaders of Tomorrow
In today’s fast-paced and evolving workplace, young professionals need more than technical skills to succeed - they require resilience to navigate challenges, confidence to lead effectively, and emotional intelligence to foster collaboration and meaningful relationships. This presenta-tion is designed for those who work with or support young adults in their professional journeys, offering ac-tionable coaching strategies to help them unlock their po-tential as future leaders. We’ll explore evidence-based practices tailored to young professionals, including tech-niques to build resilience through re-framing challenges and fostering a growth mindset, methods to enhance confidence with positive reinforcement, real-world lead-ership scenarios and strategies to develop emotional intel-ligence by strengthening empathy, self-awareness, and communication skills. The session also delves into the unique characteristics of today’s young workforce, their motivations, and how to align coaching techniques with their values and goals. Participants will gain insights into innovative coaching methods, such as gamification, sto-rytelling, and technology integration, to create meaning-ful and impactful coaching experiences. Join us for an interactive session where you’ll leave with practical tools and fresh strategies to empower the next generation of young professionals, helping them thrive in their careers and lead with purpose.

15:15 - 16:00

Cristina Mühl, PCC, SP, ACTC, ITCA, ESIA

Cristina embodies a remarkable fusion of extensive corporate experience and a profound commitment to the coaching profession. With a multifaceted career that spans industries and continents, she is a leading figure in the development and promotion of coaching excellence.

As a testament to her dedication to the coaching profession, Cristina boasts multiple coaching accreditations, underlining her commitment to continuous learning and personal growth. Cristina's contributions to the evolution of coaching extend beyond her individual practice. She serves as a Subject Matter Expert with ICF Global, where she has played a pivotal role in shaping the competencies for coaching supervision, setting standards and best practices for the industry. Currently, Cristina serves as the President of ICF Germany, demonstrating her leadership and vision for the future of coaching in her region.

Furthermore, Cristina has contributed to the knowledge base of coaching with the published book on team coaching, “Solution Focused Team Coaching”, and to coaching supervision through “Solution Focused Coaching Supervision” in collaboration with Kirsten Dierolf, and other experts.

Cristina's corporate journey, a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and demands of the business world serves as a foundation for her insights and expertise in coaching and team coaching. Her work in this area has transformed workplaces, enabling individuals and teams to reach their full potential and drive organizational success.

Leading with Purpose in Mind: Driving Financial Results Through Team Coaching

In today’s competitive market, high-performing teams are critical for boosting financial outcomes and sustaining long-term success.

This session will explore how to use team coaching as a catalyst for financial success and how to activate its trans-formative power to drive measurable financial results and strengthen organizational resilience. Beyond financial KPIs, this session will also address how team coaching can support essential organizational processes—such as risk management, compliance, and standard operating proce-dures—by fostering a shared sense of purpose and re-sponsibility.

We will start by decomposing the most used key perfor-mance indicators (KPIs) and observing how they can be influenced through increasing collaboration, streamlining decision-making, and promoting shared accountability in your organization. Differently seen, by focusing on align-ment, collaboration, and accountability, team coaching can significantly influence Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as revenue growth, cost efficiencies, and overall profitability.

What will this bring you? An enhanced perspective on leadership by gaining insights into how team coaching fos-ters stronger collaboration, communication, and accounta-bility—essential elements for a thriving organizational cul-ture and identifying how a shared sense of responsibility can promote ethical behavior, reduce organizational vul-nerabilities, and support sustainable growth.

16:00 - 16:30

coffee break

16:30 – 17:15

Panel Discussion

17:15 – 17:50

Prism Awards

17:50 - 18:00


Day 2, March 6th, Online

(START) 15:00 - 16:00

Robert Garcia, Vice President & Chief Staff Officer, ICF Global Coaching in Organizations - Keynote speaker

Vice President of ICF Coaching in Organizations is responsible for leading the operations that enable global organizations to build coaching capabilities and develop a strong coaching culture. A pivotal leader in coaching culture development, Robert is renowned for his strategic approach to expanding organizational coaching capabilities. His global ex-pertise is reflected in strong partnerships across 50+ countries. An executive coach, a seasoned professor, and an eloquent keynote speaker, Rob-ert's sessions are a confluence of insight and inspi-ration.

He has held senior level positions at Randstad, So-ciety for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Baptist Health, Florida International University (FIU), LHH, ADP, and United Healthcare.

Robert has an MBA from FIU and a Bachelor of Sci-ence in Management from NSU. He has 5 HR Certi-fications including the Senior and Global HR Profes-sional. He has the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) from ICF and is a Certified Association Executive. He is fluent in English and Spanish is a has present-ed in 6 continents and has visited 92 countries.

Transforming Organizations Through Coaching: Leveraging the ICF Coaching Culture Compass and Leadership Coaching Skills
In this presentation, we will delve into the trans-formative power of coaching in organizations, high-lighting how leaders equipped with coaching skills can drive innovation, enhance employee engage-ment, and sustain growth. Leveraging the ICF Coaching Culture Compass as a proven framework, participants will explore actionable strategies to assess and cultivate a robust coaching culture. Through case studies, best practices, and insights into coaching maturity indices, attendees will dis-cover how to create a workplace where coaching becomes a key driver of organizational success. During the workshop the participants will:
  • Understand the ICF Coaching Culture Compass and its role in assessing and building a coaching culture within organizations.
  • Identify the critical skills leaders need to effectively integrate coaching into their leadership style and foster a coaching mindset across teams.
  • Explore real-world case studies that demonstrate the measurable impact of a strong coaching culture on organizational performance and employee satisfaction.
  • Learn practical strategies to evaluate coaching maturity and implement a coaching culture that aligns with organizational goals.
  • Gain insights into leveraging coaching as a tool for navigating change, enhancing collaboration, and driving innovation.

This session equips leaders and organizational coaches with the tools to transform their organizations through coaching, creating lasting cultural and business impact.

16:00 - 17:00

Inga Bielinska
Inga Bielinska is a Master Certified Coach, team coach certified by both ICF (ACTC) and EMCC (IT-CA), and a business trainer. In addition to that, she serves as an ICF mentor coach and ESIA EMCC coach supervisor. She specializes in supporting in-dividuals and organizations globally, particularly those dealing with remote and culturally diverse teams or communication challenges. As a team coach, Inga helps teams overcome barriers, navi-gate processes, resolve conflicts, and develop a clear mission and vision. With her extensive expe-rience in various roles and as a board member, she brings hands-on knowledge to her coaching prac-tice. Inga has a deep appreciation for cultural di-versity and its impact on managing people and fos-tering collaboration. Based in Silicon Valley, she provides global support to engineers and leaders, preparing them for the fast-paced VUCA reality. In addition to her coaching work, Inga regularly writes for US editions of Forbes and Newsweek. She has also published two books in Polish for leaders and co-authored several in Polish and in English for coaches.
From Diversity to Inclusion: Coaching leaders to embrace True Change
Diversity alone isn’t enough—it’s inclusion that truly unlocks the power of a team’s potential. Leaders are often tasked with building diverse teams, but strug-gle with how to move from representation to creat-ing environments where every voice is valued. This workshop provides the coaching tools leaders need to bridge the gap between diversity and inclusion, ensuring that all team members feel empowered to contribute their unique perspectives. For leaders and coaches ready to make a real impact, this session is essential.

16:00 - 17:00

Wolfgang Jani PCC

Leadership coach (PCC), coaching supervisor, coach trainer, mentor coach and first of all human, based in Basel, Switzerland. He believes leadership is at its best when grounded in humanity—creating spaces where people thrive and bring their full selves to the table. In a world that can sometimes feel dehumanizing, he helps leaders lead with pur-pose, love, and genuineness. With over 17 years of coaching experience and 36 years in leadership roles across cultures, he has worked with leaders in 50+ coun-tries across diverse fields—empowering them to foster awareness, build genuine connections, and grow as better humans.

His approach blends reflection, attention, and a touch of humor to help leaders navigate challenges while staying true to their values.

The power of reflective practice: lead with your humanity

The session will emphasize:

  • Why leading with your humanity matters
  • Gain some practical ideas for reflective practice
  • Strengthen your self-awareness
  • Discover how coaching skills strengthen your leadership

17:00 - 18:00

Claire Pedrick

Claire Pedrick is a human who facilitates other people's thinking. An MCC Master Coach with over 15,000 hours of experience, and author of Simplifying Coaching and The Human Behind The Coach. Host at The Coaching Inn podcast, Claire believes that coaching is simple and that it takes time to learn to work that simply. In 2022 she walked 600km on the Camino in Spain.

Claire received the 2022 Outstanding Contribution to Coaching Award from Henley Business School for being a coach and a Points of Light Award from the UK Prime Minister for being a human!

In 2024:

  • 3D Coaching won Gold (for social impact) and Silver (for workforce and wellbeing) Awards from the Health Service Journal for Partnership with the NHS
  • The Human Behind The Coach won Specialist Business Book at the 2024 Business Book Awards
Getting to the Heart of The Conversation

To ensure that we are working in partnership with the people we coach, we need to remember that coaching is primarily about facilitating another person's thinking. That's what adds value. Hear more about:

  • The power of checking in
  • Taking less responsibility
  • Focusing on questions rather than problems
  • Not doing more thinking than the thinker

17:00 - 18:00

Dr. Aikyna Finch, PCC
Director, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and
Belong-ing International Coaching Federation

Dr. Aikyna Finch, PCC Director, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging International Coaching Federation Shaping the Future of Work: Harnessing Coaching to Advance DEIB Initiatives Dr. Aikyna Finch is a dynamic leader and advocate for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB). With a deep commitment to fostering inclusive environments, she serves as the ICF Director of DEIB, where she leads initiatives to create equitable spaces for coaches worldwide. Dr. Finch's approach to DEIB is informed by her extensive background in education, leadership, and technology, making her a versatile and impactful voice in the DEIB community. Her academic achievements include a Doctorate of Management and multiple advanced degrees in technology management, marketing, and information systems. These qualifications provide Dr. Finch with a unique perspective on how education, technology and management intersect with DEIB principles. As a former Campus and Faculty Dean, she has championed inclusive practices that promote diversity and support the professional growth of individuals from all backgrounds.

Beyond her role at ICF, Dr. Finch is a TEDx speaker, coach, and social media influencer.

Shaping the Future of Work: Harnessing Coaching to Advance DEIB Initiatives

The modern workplace is shifting rapidly—remote work, technological advances, and diverse talent pools all pose new challenges and opportunities for DEIB. Discover how coaching can adapt to these evolving realities, ensuring your DEIB initiatives stay agile, inclusive, and future-forward.

Key takeaways:

  • Recognize emerging workplace trends that elevate the importance of DEIB.
  • Understand how coaching methods can adapt to and shape these evolving trends.
  • Formulate strategies for embedding coaching into future-ready DEIB prac-tices.

18:00 - 19:00

Marshall Goldsmith -Keynote Speaker
Marshall Goldsmith -Keynote Speaker Helping Great Leaders Get Even Better Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is a member of the Thinkers 50 Hall of Fame. He is only tw0-time #1 Leadership Thinker in the World. Marshall has been recognized as the #1 Executive Coach in the World for many years. He is author of 4 New York Times bestsellers including What Got You Here Won’t Get You There. His books have sold over 4 million copies.

In this fast-paced session, Dr. Goldsmith will share the essence of his proven leadership development and coaching process which is backed by award-winning research involving over 86,000 respondents. Participants will learn how to use feedforward, a positive process for learning that has been successfully implemented around the world. Finally, Marshall will show how daily questions - and especially active questions – can be used to both build engagement and increase effectiveness. As a bonus, he will illustrate how artifical intellence can be used to help you increase your effectiveness as a leader.

Helping Great Leaders Get Even Better
  • Practice and be ready to use feed forward as a basis for learning, coaching, and team building.
  • Learn a proven leadership development model that you can use to develop yourself as a leader and coach your team members.
  • Understand how daily questions – and especially active questions – can help increase engagement and build effectiveness.
  • See how artificial intelligence can be used to share knowledge and information.

19:00 - 20:00

Rich Litvin -Keynote Speaker

Rich Litvin is an expert at empowering great leaders to thrive under pressure, achieve extraordinary results, and transform into elite coaches. His clients include Olympic gold medalists, Hollywood film directors, Special Forces operatives, and hedge fund managers overseeing hundreds of billions of dollars in assets.

Rich specializes in helping great leaders build high-performing, high-fee coaching practices through word-of-mouth alone. Zero internet marketing needed.

Originally from London, Rich now lives in Los Angeles. He is the co-author of The Prosperous Coach, a bestseller with over 120,000 copies sold that has influenced an entire generation of coaches. His upcoming book, $100K Clients: How to Find Them, Coach Them, and Keep Them, reveals how to master the art of premium coaching and create life-changing client relationships.

Leadership Is An Inside-Out Job: Cultivating High Agency for Transformational Leadership

Key Takeaways of the session:

  1. Unlock the Power of High Agency: Discover how this transformative mindset can elevate your coaching and empower leaders to tackle the impossible.
  2. Master What Truly Drives Success: Explore why non-cognitive skills like resilience, adaptability, and influence often outshine intellect in high-stakes leadership.
  3. Measure Your Own Agency: Use a cutting-edge self-assessment to identify where you stand and how you can elevate your high-agency capabilities.
  4. Think Like a Fire Marshal, Not a Firefighter: Learn to solve problems at their root with high agency behaviors and upstream thinking, turning uncertainty into opportunity.
  5. The Power of Inclusion: High agency isn’t just about individual ability—it thrives in environments where diverse perspectives challenge conventional thinking.
  6. Turn Insight Into Action: Leave with one bold, high-agency action to help a client transform their life, business, or mission against all odds.

20:00 - 20:15

Closing Conference, sharing, feedback

GET your Ticket to participate (Day 1 and Day 2)

VERY EARLY BIRD 15 October 2024 – 15 November 2024 - ONLY 50 LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE

  • ICF members 155 euro (VAT  Included)
  • Non-members 195 euro (VAT Included)
  • Group tickets and Companies, over 5 seats 175 euro (VAT Included)

EARLY BIRD 16 November 2024 – 15 January 2024

  • ICF members 180 euro (VAT Included) – As an ICF member in good standing, you can enjoy a special discounted price by using the coupon code „membruicf.” Please remember that any misuse of the coupon may result in the cancellation of your ticket(s).
  • Non-members 235 euro (VAT Included)
  • Group tickets and Companies, over 5 seats, 220 euro (VAT Included)

Tickets list

REGULAR PRICES 16th January 2025 – 4th March 2025

  • ICF members 210 euro (VAT included)
  • Non-members 320 euro (VAT  included)
  • Group tickets and Companies, over 5 seats, 265 euro (VAT  included)

Only for the second day

  • ICF members 90 euro (VAT included)
  • Non-members 140 euro (VAT  included)
  • Group tickets and Companies, over 5 seats, 90 euro (VAT  included)

Important! In case of VAT-free purchases for VAT-paying companies in the EU, please contact us at the

The conference is sponsored by:

Platinum sponsors


Gold sponsors

Up Romania

Silver sponsors



Coaching Dipity
Solutions Academy
BMI Publishing

Media Partners

Noi venim din viitor




Rosarii Mannion, HR Leader & Practitioner

Rosarii Mannion este Președintele actual al Boardului global al ICF Professional Coaches. Cu o experienta indelungata in HR, printre care Director național de resurse umane în cel mai mare angajator din Irlanda, Health Service Executive, cu 120.000 de angajați, actualmente este Director național People and Change în Tusla Irelands Child and Family Agency. Ea crede cu tarie în maximizarea performanței personalului, implicarea personalului și promovarea beneficiilor coachingului și mentoratului în forța de muncă. Domeniul ei de cercetare se referă la impactul culturii de coaching asupra performanței personalului. A fost obținut titlul de ICF Ireland Business & Executive Coach al anului în 2017, iar în 2018 a primit premiul Ireland HR Leader of the Year.

Rosarii este PCC Coach, Chartered Fellow al CIPD, Mediator calificat, Executive and Conflict Coach și deține un BA, HDip, MA și MSc.



Rosarii Mannion currently employed as National Director People and Change in Tusla Irelands Child and Family Agency. Prior to this she worked as National HR Director in Irelands largest employer the Health Service Executive with 120,000 employees.  She is a passionate believer in maximising staff performance, staff engagement and promoting the benefits of coaching and mentoring in the workforce. Her research area is on the impact of coaching cultures on staff performance.  She was awarded ICF Ireland Business & Executive Coach of the Year in 2017 and in 2018 she was awarded the Ireland HR Leader of the Year. Rosarii is a PCC Coach, Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, a qualified Mediator, Executive and Conflict Coach and holds a BA, HDip, MA and MSc.  She is a Chartered Director and is currently the Global Board Chair of ICF Professional Coaches Board of Directors.  Learn more at   

Rosarii Mannion, HR Leader & Practitioner

Rosarii Mannion este Președintele actual al Boardului global al ICF Professional Coaches. Cu o experienta indelungata in HR, printre care Director național de resurse umane în cel mai mare angajator din Irlanda, Health Service Executive, cu 120.000 de angajați, actualmente este Director național People and Change în Tusla Irelands Child and Family Agency. Ea crede cu tarie în maximizarea performanței personalului, implicarea personalului și promovarea beneficiilor coachingului și mentoratului în forța de muncă. Domeniul ei de cercetare se referă la impactul culturii de coaching asupra performanței personalului. A fost obținut titlul de ICF Ireland Business & Executive Coach al anului în 2017, iar în 2018 a primit premiul Ireland HR Leader of the Year.

Rosarii este PCC Coach, Chartered Fellow al CIPD, Mediator calificat, Executive and Conflict Coach și deține un BA, HDip, MA și MSc.



Rosarii Mannion currently employed as National Director People and Change in Tusla Irelands Child and Family Agency. Prior to this she worked as National HR Director in Irelands largest employer the Health Service Executive with 120,000 employees.  She is a passionate believer in maximising staff performance, staff engagement and promoting the benefits of coaching and mentoring in the workforce. Her research area is on the impact of coaching cultures on staff performance.  She was awarded ICF Ireland Business & Executive Coach of the Year in 2017 and in 2018 she was awarded the Ireland HR Leader of the Year. Rosarii is a PCC Coach, Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, a qualified Mediator, Executive and Conflict Coach and holds a BA, HDip, MA and MSc.  She is a Chartered Director and is currently the Global Board Chair of ICF Professional Coaches Board of Directors.  Learn more at